Drammen 23 starter opp med videreutdanning i oktober
21. januar 2024
Nytt forkurs ISTDP i Drammen i desember er åpent for påmelding
3. juni 2024Årets fordypningsseminar i ISTDP med Dr. Allan Abbass finner sted på Union Scene onsdag 10 – fredag 12. april 2024, 09:00 – 16:00 alle dager.
Alle som følger en videreutdanning i ISTDP er automatisk påmeldt.
Seminaret er i tillegg åpent for de som tidligere har gjennomført sin videreutdanning gjennom Norsk Institutt for ISTDP (alumner) og for psykologer/leger som har forkurs eller tilsvarende erfaring med psykodynamisk teori og terapi.
- Pris for alumner er 7.950,- inkl. lunsj for alle tre dager
- Pris for psykologer/leger er 11.550.- inkl. lunsj for alle tre dager
- Påmeldingsfristen er 15. mars 2024
Vi inviterer også til påfølgende fellesmiddag torsdag ettermiddag på Drammen kulturhus kl. 17.30. Dere vil få mer informasjon og påmelding per epost ved påmelding til kurset.
Adresse for Immersion:
Union Scene, hovedscenen
Grønland 60, 3045 Drammen
Adresse for middag:
Drammen kulturhus AS
Grønland 57, 3044 Drammen
Kulturhuset er i 1. etg
2024 Norwegian immersion in ISTDP with Dr. Allan Abbass: Navigating the Treatment Course Across the Spectra
Is this year’s immersion we will review the treatment courses across the spectra of patients suitable for ISTDP. We will begin with a low resistant patient with a very short treatment course with a therapeutic alliance established quickly, and no need to mobilize the unconscious therapeutic alliance to any significant extent: termination is straightforward. We will then move to a moderate to highly resistant patient where there is the initial phase of establishing a treatment alliance, psychodiagnosis, working with defences, mobilization of the unconscious, repeated unlocking and a relatively straightforward termination phase. Next, we will go to a repression case with regressive defences and review how to establish a treatment alliance, do psychodiagnosis, build capacities, followed by repeated unlocking and a phase of termination in a time limited course. Finally, we will repeat the similar process with a fragile patient. We will review in each of these cases the unique elements within these different patient categories.
In advance of this course, please prepare questions based on your current cases and we will leave a good amount of time for responding to your questions related to these different categories of patient.
About the speaker; Dr. Allan Abbass
Dr. Allan Abbass is Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Director of Psychiatric Education, and founding Director of the Centre for Emotions and Health at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. He is a leading award-winning teacher and researcher in the area of Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, with over 300 publications and 400 invited presentations over the globe. These articles can be viewed at www.allanabbass.com
He is known for simplifying the theory and technical aspects of the ISTDP model, with the use of algorithms, and through highlighting moment-to-moment processes that inform interventions. He has received numerous teaching awards, including two national awards in psychiatry, and has been honored with visiting professorships at several international universities and institutions, holds recurrent intensive training programs in Norway, Sweden, Italy, and Canada, and provides internet-based training to professionals and groups around the world.
Dr. Abbass’ critically acclaimed textbook on ISTDP “Reaching Through Resistance: Advanced Psychotherapy Techniques” was published in 2015. His latest book, Hidden from View: A Clinician’s Guide to Psychophysiologic Disorders (Abbass and Schubiner, 2018), deals with psychophysiologic disorders and how health professionals can diagnose and manage these conditions including the use of ISTDP techniques.