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4. januar 2023
Nytt to-årig Advanced Training program, oppstart høsten 2023
23. mars 2023Årets fordypningsseminar i ISTDP med Dr. Allan Abbass finner sted i Drammens teater onsdag 26 – fredag 28. april 2023, 09:00 – 16:00 alle dager.
Alle som følger en videreutdanning i ISTDP er automatisk påmeldt. Seminaret er i tillegg åpent for de som tidligere har gjennomført sin videreutdanning gjennom Norsk Institutt for ISTDP (alumner).
- Pris for alumner er 7.865,- inkl. lunsj for alle tre dager og påmeldingsfristen er 1. april 2023.
Tema for årets fordypningsseminar er: Bringing Structural Changes in the Fragile Patient
The 11th Norwegian Immersion in ISTDP with Dr. Abbas
Fragile character structure is a common cause of treatment resistance in psychiatric and psychotherapy patients of all diagnostic groups. Frequently misdiagnosed as a range of conditions, these patients are often heavily medicated, hospitalized and become involved in complex, destructive interactions with healthcare systems and therapists.
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) has been specifically developed and researched through thousands of videotape case studies, to provide tailored processes of assessment, capacity building, and bringing structural changes through bracing and the «graded format» to help work through the intense complex feelings underpinning fragility.
This course will focus on the first 20 sessions of one of the most complicated patients Dr. Abbass has ever worked with who had Borderline Disorder, dissociation, pseudoseizures, pain, aggressive outbursts during dissociation,and features of Dissociative Identity Disorder. It will show the process to battle the various rotating fronts including self attack, repression, projective processes, splitting and dissociation itself.
It will be of benefit to trainers who provide supervision to others as well. The vast majority of all materials in the course has never been shown before. It is all subtitled in English.
Participants at the course will learn:
- Assessing the structure of the fragmented patient
- Finding and applying pressure against rapidly rotating destructive defensive systems including Splitting, Projected parts or modes, Projection, Dissociation, Repression and Self attack
- Using our own emotional responses to guide process
- Keeping continuous regard for patient
- Keeping calm in provocative moments
- When and how to quick link, brace, press, recap, and regulate anxiety
- How to use pressure, bracing, and recapping to build capacity
- The process of first breakthroughs to the unconscious
- The process of bringing dominance of the UTA over resistance
- The central role of guilt in building capacity: the immersive technique