Drammen 19 starter opp med spesialistprogram / videreutdanning i juni 2022 – Venteliste!
17. januar 2022
Nytt forkurs ISTDP i Drammen i november er åpent for påmelding! – Venteliste!
12. juni 2022Årets fordypningsseminar i ISTDP med Dr. Allan Abbass finner sted i Drammens teater den 21.-23 april, 09:00 – 16:00 alle dager.
Alle som følger en videreutdanning eller et Advanced program i ISTDP er automatisk påmeldt. Seminaret er i tillegg åpent for de som tidligere har gjennomført sin videreutdanning gjennom Norsk Institutt for ISTDP (alumner). Påmeldingsskjema for alumner nede på siden.
Tema for årets fordypningsseminar:
The 10th Norwegian Immersion in ISTDP with Dr Allan Abbass will focus on a single treated patient with chronic depression self-destructive tendency and projective processes with shaming.
There have been recent criticisms and concerns expressed about adverse effects of ISTDP. This years immersion course will emphasize some aspects of this to clarify the method and how it is used with more complex and fragile patients to prevent adverse effects. The emphasis of this course in specific is how centrally important continuous positive regard for the patient is.
Positive regard for the patient is necessary when doing any active therapy process. It is the positive attachment processes that mobilize healing forces and cements the conscious therapeutic alliance enabling healing work and reviewing a very difficult content. Positive feelings are necessary in order to be able to use pressure and other interventions enabling the patient to hold together complex feelings.
Positive regard for the patient counters projective processes which tend to occur in more fragile patients. Positive regard for the patient also counters harsh self punitive tendencies and self shaming tendencies. Hence it is centrally important with these patients to keep a positive regard so that the patient is always able to see in our face and our response that we care about them especially while we help them challenge their avoiding patterns.
This course will use the video of a case who was presented in a December 2021 course on major depression. The emphasis will be on some different aspects but part of the reason for showing one case is to see change processes over the course of a 16 session treatment.
Pris for alumner er 5 125,- inkl. lunsj for alle tre dager og påmeldingsfristen er 1. april 2022.